Last Supper

So. It's like the beginning.Tonight, Isaac and I shared our last dinner with Khalela and Dena who are leaving for Kisumu and leaving for home tomorrow morning. The timing worked out to where Dena, Khalela, Meme, and Julia would all be leaving around the same time that Isaac and I were...but as we come full circle, we will remain alone for a day or two and the others will be gone, on their separate ways back home (or back here later...if you're Khalela). It's just like the beginning. I am absolutely exhausted so I'll make this short and sweet. It's currently almost 11PM on Friday night and at dinner, Franceen made us all a cake to celebrate our "last supper together" and I got a fruit smoothie made with watermelon, pineapples, and mangoes. It was very good and Isaac and I saved some of the cake for tomorrow. At 3:30, I met with Dr.Pittchar, the social scientist here, to review my report. He had nothing but constructive and encouraging words to say about my report  and I appreciate his effort in going through my findings and helping me to develop the best report possible. ICIPE is very proud of their numerous World Food Prize interns and I am always so blown away by the support they show us all and the "family" they've developed of the 10-15 of us who have spent our high school/college summer in Kenya. BAD NEWS. As I was getting ready to plug my computer in, the cord started smoking....bye bye cord and subsequently, bye bye laptop. Luckily, this didn't happen earlier in the trip because I would've had a whole slew of problems. ICIPE gave me a rental computer to use the statistical analysis software on so I'll use that tomorrow I guess. In other bad news, I went to the school to teach my kids. And they weren't there. They were on some "education day" and I was sad not to see them! They missed Khalela too :(Khalela and I then proceeded to go to the gym and...the trainer wasn't there so there was no class. Because the weather was so so so nice today, we decided to go for a walk and we went through the push-pull plots on campus and saw many animals, including several pakas (cats!). Saying goodbye makes this all seem like the end is much more near. Ugh. Here we go.  (I'll add more to this blog tomorrow but I am SO tired. Goodnight all!) 


Final Friday


Last Wednesday