Last Wednesday
So, it's officially hit the last of days here. It is now the conclusion of my LAST Wednesday in Kenya and I couldn't be more happy/sad/not wanting to go home/wanting to go home/mixed emotions. Today I continued working on my report and it is now a lofty 31 pages long. We submit both a shortened and long version, as needed, of our final reports and the shortened version is supposed to be between 15-22 pages for review of an award selection committee. I'm going with the mindset of writing the best professional research report that I can, regardless of page number, and then I will cut back later. I've finished my section on aflatoxin (it's one of my favorite parts of the report!) and will post that tomorrow for you all to read and ask any questions that you may have about the silent killer in Africa. Matilda was here again, but left after lunch and said she would be back tomorrow night. Goodbyes are no fun regardless, but Matilda is one of the people that I just want to pack up and bring home to America with me. I hope she is able to come to the World Food Prize in October and see me again!I taught my class today and we didn't get started until around 5:15 (late, again) because kids were still completing their cleaning chores. I watched as one of my kiddos took an old shirt, sloshed (is that a word?) it back and forth in muddy, icky water, wrung it out, and then proceeded to wipe the floor with it - using the shirt as a mop...and I couldn't help but cringe. It was so dirty. I cringed because I could not do anything to help; I cringed because there are no sinks for the student to wash their hands; and I cringed because they don't even have A MOP, something so simple and under-appreciated, to perform their cleaning duties. I held back my cringe-worthy face as the student approached me for a wet high five and smiled at the student obliging to his request...after all, I can always wash my hands later. We learned about Venn diagrams and I went through the classroom asking everyone their names again. After that, I recited the front row: Junenino, Ryan, Wayne, Noelle, Maxwell, Godwill, Brian, Don, Victor, Isaac, John, Abraham, Joseph (that's my boyfriend's name), Ian, and Brian. The class next door was leaving early so my class dismissed at 5:45. They were much better behaved today...yesterday was a bit rough...but I'm sure going to miss my kiddos come next week!I had every intention of going to the gym today, but decided not to. I just didn't feel like it (I know, bad excuse) but I'll be doing the class tomorrow and will (hopefully!) get pics to post of the gym. I have a list of photos that I still need to get and that is one of them. For dinner I had chicken stir fry and chapati, but there was a dinner celebration dance party (it was interesting, to say the least) for a seminar that had been hosted at the Guest House the last two days and it took awhile to receive my meal. They told us it was the Kenyan equivalent of the IRS and I met two nice tax collectors (I guess?) during lunch. There was music through a loud speaker and chairs and tables were set up outside. One lady was causing a bit of a commotion because things were not going here way and she wanted the guest house to only cater to her group, but I think the issue was resolved and everyone left happy! Totari, Franceen, Beatris, Willfred and Michael all seemed very relived when it was all said and done - I'm sure they served a great meal, as usual! I realized that tomorrow is my "last supper" with so many of my new friends - Julia, Dena, and Khalela all leave tomorrow and Dena & Khalela will be back but not until after Isaac and I depart on Sunday. It's like going back to how it was a the very beginning of my journey here. Sitting by ourselves in the corner, having no one to talk to. I told Dena the story of how we first became friends with her. She was sitting by herself at a table all alone...the only other mzungu in the room. Isaac played the "what are the odds" game or whatever and I had to be the first one to talk to her. Every trine we saw a mzungu, we would always get so excited and wonder why they were here, who they were, and if they'd be nice or want to be our friends. I asked Dena if she wanted to sit with us and the rest is history! Ugh. I don't want to leave, but I know I have to. It's going to be weird going "back to how it was in the beginning" over the weekend, but it's almost coming full circle. This time next week, I will be in St. Louis, MO enjoying my time (three days!!!!!) with my sweet boyfriend and Missouri air, my family and vehicles, and preparing to venture home to see my pretty kitties, best friends, and prepare for college life. Happy Wednesday!