2nd Thursday in Kenya!

So, my title... I just realized how long I've been in Kenya! Almost TWO weeks! I'm just getting adjusted to life here and it's crazy how fast/slow time is going by.I've been sitting at my little "cubicle" all day, typing away to get my questionnaire in good enough condition to send to our mentors. We're waiting at the office for Dr. Midega, Professor Khan, and Dr. Pittchar to review our questionnaires and focus group questions and offer their feedback so that it is ready to go.This morning we had a big meeting with the men and Matilda to discuss where we would be going, how we would interview the farmers, and what would occupy our weekends! In between the mix of Swahili/English (Swinglish as I'm going to refer to it), I caught on to a few important things.....Sara Obama, UGANDA, five-six day excursions, and national parks! Plot twist, I'm not only interning in Kenya. I'M GOING TO UGANDA! Going to two countries in one trip is pretty cool to me! I'm actually very very very very excited. Takin' on Africa one country at a time <insert flexing emoji>. I'll keep you posted on dates and details, but looks like it'll be middle/end of July once the research in Kenya has been complete. Matilda's hope is that we will begin work tomorrow! Our workweek has been extended to Saturday, but we have Sunday off and Monday "off". I plan on using Monday as a day entirely at the school teaching, depending on how tired I am from the previous week. I am going to be the best "mzungu" teacher (hopefully)! Today I was asked what I would want to teach at the school and to be quite honest, I have no idea. I think math isn't my strong suit, but I'd probably do fine at elementary math and making sure the kids understand that 2 plus 2 does equal 4. Social studies sounds interesting (I don't know African history?!) but I'll throw in some Herren puns and they'll think I'm funny, right? Science is another one of my weaknesses, but if that's where I'm placed, I'm up for the challenge. After all, I am on a science research internship. English would be my favorite, so hopefully I get to educate the children on a mix of everything while I am here!Dr. Midega and I could still be best friends, by the way. I just walked into his office to ask a simple question and he literally made my day. I'm so glad that I get to work with him all summer! Professor Khan is very knowledgeable and checks in on us throughout the day in the office; he's a very busy man but always makes us feel welcomed!More to come later!


Cats, Childen, & Culture.

