DG of icipe 

We just got out of our meeting with the DG (Director General) of icipe, Segenet Kelemu.She was very nice and the one thing we both appreciated about her is that she genuinely cared about us and investing in our futures. After asking about our college majors (Rico's being computer science, economics, and a minor in Arabic, mine being international  agriculture and science and agriculture journalism with tons of ideas for minors), she talked in depth about how each one is needed in international agriculture and how, for example, communication is critical in making sure the farmer not only knows about the product, but how to use it effectively. Listening to some of the opportunities icipe has to offer in the areas that I'm interested in inspired me to make the internship "my own" and throw in the communication aspects that I enjoy.While she had somewhere to go after the meeting, she never once acted as though she was in a hurry to leave and she made time to answer all of our questions. All those who work at icipe have shown us nothing but generosity and kindness; the Director General was the perfect example of this and the Kenyan spirit I've soaked up over the course of the two days in Nairobi.Holly and Isaac with icipe Director General.JPGShe had several great points during her discussion with us and I wanted to be sure and share them with you all.

  1. Don't make a 5 year plan. One thing that particularly stuck with me was her advice against looking too far ahead into the future and planning out your life to a t. I'm a frantic over-planner, so this hit home. She said that people always used to (and still do!) ask her what her plan was for the next 2, 5, 10 years and she said that if you focus on the job you have now, and do the tasks associated with the job to the best of your abilities, people will find out about you and job offers will come from those and you won't need to make a 5 year plan because life is happening. It's important to not be too caught up in the future, but to focus n what you are doing right now, and that is a lesson I plan to carry into my internship starting later this week.
  2. Make it back home. While I'm not entirely sure if working on an international scale is for me or what I want to do, I was encouraged as she spoke of her many fellowships, research projects, and job opportunities around the world (including 3 in the US - Kansas State University, somewhere in Montana, and Cornell University in New York). While working on research and various projects at different institutions, she knew she was helping to make a difference in those areas but it wasn't making a direct impact on Africa, for the ones who grew up just like her. She decided after winning an award for her work that it was time to go to Africa and use the skills and experience she gained worldwide to help her home and that was empowering to me. This woman, a very talented and sought-after professional on this area, chose to go back home to make an impact there. And indeed she has! Icipe is one of the leading research institutions in all of Africa and has a saying along the lines of "by Africa, for Africa" focusing on helping those here who need it most. As I figure out what I want to do with my life, I know my end goal is to come home and make an impact there.
  3.  It's fine to stay at an organization/job, but it's not fine to stay there if you're not progressing. Her point in this tidbit of career advice was that no matter how long you stay in one job, it is important that you are advancing professionally. Sitting in the same job all 30 years of working at one place isn't making you or the company any better; but, switching jobs and adapting as the organization grows allows you to develop professionally and make a greater impact.
  4. Do what you love and if you don't love it, stop. She mentioned that you can tell when people don't like the work they're doing and her tip was to find a career that you love and that you enjoy doing. She turned down job offers from reputable institutions and programs because it wasn't what she was interested in or wanted to do and that's okay. She inspired me to take chances and to find what I want to love for the rest of my life.

It was such a great introduction to Icipe to get to speak personally with the Director General herself and to hear about her life and what got her to the position that she is today. As a female myself, it was awesome to see a woman in such a powerful, impacting position on a continent that is not always as welcoming and appreciative of female leaders. Her drive, dedication, and commitment to doing the best she can at whatever job she is given radiated to me through her speech and I am excited to represent the World Food Prize when I officially begin my internship later this week.Thank you, Segenet Kelemu, for your sweet words, great advice, and undeniable passion for international agriculture and helping your home.


Day 2: Welcome to icipe!


Day 1 Adventure